

New year and a fresh new look

The JKS fleet is a familiar sight on the highways and byways of Essex but the more eagle eyed will have noticed our latest tipper lorry sporting a new contemporary look. After more than twenty years in the business we felt it was time to refresh our branding. The result is our new logo and, if you’re reading this, then you have already discovered our impressive new website!

Both reflect our forward thinking approach and professional capabilities across a wide range of services. You will be seeing a lot more of our new branding as we roll out the sign writing program to our diggers, lorry fleet and the rest of our plant, which already ranks among some of the most modern equipment available.

The JKS website and logo may have changed, but rest assured that some things will always remain the same – our commitment to reliable, quality service is still at the heart of everything we do. If you haven’t already, then do take a look around our website to find out more about JKS and how we can help with your project. We look forward to working with you soon.

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